The fourth Punjab Lok Boli Mela will be held from 21st to 25th November 2008 at Jaranwala, district Faisalabad. The mother language festival is organised to celebrate diverse and rich language and culture of the Punjab.
The event emphasises the importance of culture and language in the life of common people in a world that is increasingly under pressures of globalisation, which intends to convert the entire world into a free market and in the process it is defacing our identities.
It aims to change humans into mere consumers and we need to resist. Boli Mela helps us revisit our traditional art forms that made us what we are. It also provides people an opportunity to sit together and discuss what needs to be done.
The Mela will be participated by over 1,000 performers, artists, writers, poets, intellectuals, Mela lovers and language rights activists besides hundreds of thousands of common people from across the Punjab. Mela events spread over five days are distributed over ten venues.
This includes venue for music makers, theatre makers, puppeteers and Mushaira (poetry recital). The students of as many as 26 colleges and universities of Punjab will perform plays on a variety of subjects in mother language. Besides students' groups, various progressive theatre groups including Punjab Lik Rahs, the host group, would perform in the Mela. Bal Rahs Mela (Children Theatre Festival) is also part of festivities in which the children will perform 12 plays.
A special venue will host school children from nine districts. Children will present skits, songs, debates in their mother language. Village women will set up traditional kitchens to serve meals to guests.
An exhibition of Punjabi books and books on Punjab will also be held at the Mela. Essay and drawing competitions are also part of Mela. The unsung folk artists as well as groups attached to traditional theatre (Rahs) and storytelling enhance the beauty of this mega event.
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