Sindh Home Minister Dr Zulfiqar Mirza on Thursday said that the government was trying to provide conducive working atmosphere to business community and general public in the province. Speaking at a meeting of Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (Kati), he said that the government's first priority is to give peaceful atmosphere to business community and general public.
He assured business community that they will see a remarkable change in working of police department and law and order in next 40 days. He said that Sindh police would no more be a tool of any high profile personality or political party.
He advised people to file report of each and every criminal case in police station so that proper investigation could be done and criminals punished Those who are not reporting criminal cases are actually encouraging criminals, he added Dr Zulfiqar Mirza also advised business community to stop paying 'Bhatta' (extortion money).
He said that there was no high profile criminal activity going on in Sindh. There is no Talibanisation issue in the province. Some incidents of small bomb blasts were occurred in the province but we know who are behind them, Mirza added. He agreed to establish a committee comprising Kati representatives and police force headed by himself. On land grabbing in Mehran Two scheme, he assured that the issue will be resolved soon.
Kati Chairman Sheikh Fazal-e-Jalil said that the country was facing serious economic crisis, which need government attention on priority basis. He said that over 40 percent industrial units are either closed or operating below capacity due to serious electricity shortage, law and order problems and high cost of doing business.
He said that negative perception and issuance of travel advisory by various countries have scared away foreign investors. He said that Kati was trying for the last many years for one police station for Korangi Industrial Area. And now on the directive of Rehman Malik, Advisor to Prime Minster on Interior, a separate police station for KIA has been established.
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