Punjab Chief Minister Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has said that provision of adulteration free pesticides to the farmers would be ensured for substantial increase of agri-production. He also said that no leniency would be shown to those engaged in the heinous crime of adulteration and such elements would not be allowed to destroy agriculture sector.
He was addressing a meeting held regarding eradication of business of spurious pesticides here on Saturday, disclosed an official. He directed the Punjab agriculture department to take all possible measures for eradicating spurious pesticides as well as solving the problems of cultivators, and all resources would be provided for this purpose. He also directed the department to submit solid and practicable recommendations for elimination of spurious medicines within seven days.
According to him, improvement of agri sector is his top priority and revolutionary measures are being taken for the betterment of farmers and increasing in agri production. Green tractors, quality seed, agri equipment and soft loans are being provided to the farmers.
Solid measures were taken during his last tenure for curbing menace of spurious pesticides and ratio of adulteration in pesticides had remained only two percent. But during the last eight years this ratio has increased up to 16 percent.
The reasons of increase in the business of spurious pesticides are negligence of the department, non-punishment to the people involved in this business as well as non-pursuance of the cases. From now we have to work with the same zeal and zest for eradicating this menace, which was demonstrated in 1998 and a comprehensive strategy would be adopted for this purpose.
A task force, established for eradicating spurious pesticides, has seized spurious pesticides worth Rs 260 million and if these pesticides were supplied to the farmers then agri sector would have to bear irreparable loss.
Shahbaz Sharif directed to launch an informative campaign for awareness of the cultivators during which guidance should be provided to the farmers regarding spurious pesticides and measures taken by government for curbing this business.
He further directed that effective action against those involved in this business should be ensured. He said 5,677 samples of spurious pesticides were analysed during previous years and 413 people were arrested but no punishment was awarded to any of them.
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