Nine people gang raped two sisters in village Taranda Mir Khan in Bahawalpur district here on Monday. As per detail disclosed by police Muhammad Akram Gujjar had developed illicit relationship with Zainab, the sister of culprit, Sher Muhammad Arain.
To take revenge Sher Muhammad, along with his more than a dozen relatives, broke into home of widow, Mehran bibi and dragged her daughters to room, Rafia (married) and Zakia (unmarried). Nine of them raped the innocent women, while other six persons guarded out side to control the situation, as they were well-armed and no one dared to stop them from their inhuman act, despite being called for help by the victims.
However, police have claimed that they have arrested five of them and further raids being conducted to arrest the other culprits. The accused were identified as Ghulam Yasin, Arif, Arbi, Khadim Hussain and Sher Muhammad Gujjar on the charge of gangrape, while another four accused are still at large.'
When contacted with Mehran bibi, she burst out, while mourning for highly unfortunate incident, and informed the media personnel that at least 15 persons identified as Ghulam Yasin, Rab-nawaz, Haq Nawaz, Muhammad Ajmal, Punnal, Sher Muhammad, Sohanra, Muhammad Arif, Arbi, and more raided her home on Saturday night and first they beat them severely and dragged her daughters to room and raped them, moreover, they stayed at their home till morning.
She added that they cried and called people for help, but no one came for their help because the assailants were armed with automatic weapons. Mehran further said that the accused were very influential people. Muhammad Afzal Lodhi, Inspector/SHO P S Pakka Laran said, 'we have registered a case against all 15 assailants, and further said that the accused and the victims belonged to the same clan.
Moreover, the Federal Minister for Religious Affairs, Syed Hamid Saeed Kazmi, visited the hospital to see the victims of gang rape and he ordered the police to arrest all the accused within 24 hours. The minister said, 'it was very shameful act which took place in his constituency and the culprits would not go unpunished. DSP said.' However, lady doctor confirmed that both were subjected to sexual assault by more than one person.
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