Back in 1987, Allan Bloom authored a book with a similar title; it lamented at the intellectual deficit in the US educational system that was imparting knowledge with a specific bent of mind. Events unfolding since August 2007 proved how farsighted (and taken as casually) he was.
That the US now faces unmanageable economic chaos, courtesy the mighty managers and regulators of its economy, repeats the obvious. It is sad that a land with supposedly the best universities, professors, academicians, economists, scores of Noble laureates, in short, know-alls of all sorts, ended up this way.
What were they doing while, for decades at a stretch, the US pursued grossly flawed economic and foreign policies? Couldn't they see what was coming while churning out thousands of MBAs with a mindset that systematically escalated economic distortions that can be sustained no more, given the fact that America is not even a shadow of the 'sole' economic super power it once was.
Bloom lamented over embedding into the mindset of the future generations the premise that American way of perceiving and resolving problems was ideal. He believed in Plato's view that men must not remain content with what is given to them by their culture if they are to be fully human because such a culture is a closed cave, a prison sealed by a blinkered self-righteous attitude.
Like this habit the habit of living on borrowed money was fatally flawed. History proved it more than once but not convincingly enough for US university professors. What a pity! They never campaigned against it nor questioned successive US regimes about spending borrowed money on waging wars all over the world in the worst imperial style.
Except for a handful, including Edward Said, Noam Chomsky and Allan Bloom, few protested over what went on in the US. Most of them helped the spread of the US brand of capitalism and democracy, justified the Cold War, rejoiced over decimation of the USSR and validated the war-on-terror. Doing so, they propelled the US into becoming the new Roman Empire.
US intellectuals silently watched as parliamentarians and regulators turned into robots controlled by mighty US businesses. Steadily, the US became a juggernaut powered by unethically run corporations operating globally. On their command, the US organised overthrow of foreign regimes. Besides Vietnam and the Middle East, what the US did to Latin American regimes isn't a secret.
Will this scenario change? Not really, since US politicians continue to be propped up by its corporations. But the light at the end of the tunnel is that during George W. Bush's reign, US corporations went wild and the massive financial mess created by them (courtesy the Fed under Alan Greenspan and the SEC under its successive Chairmen) may spell their doom.
In spite of the oft-touted power of the Fed, Comptroller of Currency, Department of Treasury, and the SEC, none knew what went on in the US financial markets and the un-challenged ascent of credit rating agencies to a godly status. If this is what free enterprise and capitalism implies, they have been done in by none other than the US corporate sector.
Winning WW-II with minuscule losses compared to those suffered by the other combatants led the US to believe that it knew the right way of doing everything; it became the core of US intellect and convoluted ideas that stemmed there from claimed for the Americans the status of 'God's chosen people' born to rule the world. This mindset confirms that Zionism not better sense now triggers American actions.
Even the post-WW-II defeats the US suffered didn't make it realise that there were no 'chosen people'. That US democracy is now seen as severely flawed because it empowers individuals lacking both integrity and vision, and they manifest it through deceit, corruption and mismanagement of the state. Yet, the US insists on telling every government how to manage its affairs.
Under George W. Bush, the US launched a campaign powered by 'ideological commandos' to implement a long-term strategy that ensured that 'US ideas' prevailed over all others. Commenting on the mess in Iraq while talking to ABC News, an unrepentant General Powell said that in the aftermath of the Iraq war what the US failed to do was to impose 'US will' with enough troops. What a brilliant excuse for a mess!
Its defeat in Iraq marginalised the status of the US. It is tragic because Americans had the potential for doing far better if only they were led by those who cared less about making the US a military power, more about making it an economic power. Yet, it is unlikely that Bush and his cohorts would be tried for their conduct although the latest bipartisan senate report on the subject indirectly recommends so.
To prop-up its dwindling invincibility, the US focused its energy on destructive not constructive inventions, and denied its obligations to the world. Like Jews (who, until the holocaust, prided themselves in trade and scientific inventions now concentrate only on avenging the holocaust, oddly from the Palestinians) the US bashes anyone it feels like. Its refusal to honour treaties on curbing arms traffic, eliminating toxic weapons and land mines, and environmental pollution manifests its total disregard for civilised behaviour.
And, like the Roman empire the US empire too is now cracking and ripples thereof are shaking the world courtesy central bankers who, for decades, and in spite of repeated bursting of bubbles in the US economy (indicating speculators' clout), kept investing their reserves in US debt securities that are now mere pieces of paper; money borrowed there against was squandered away by successive US regimes.
Now, with its external debt close to $14 trillion the US is the world's biggest and worst borrower. Not surprisingly, over the years, many central bank governors 'descended' as nominees of the WB and the IMF - institutions often accused of towing the US line, not just by left-leaning but also liberal commentators, writers and experts like Joseph Stiglitz coming from the ranks of these two outfits.
There are no signs yet that Americans have realised who turned them into a destructive outfit from a progressive and hardworking nation. Since the 1930s, Zionists began penetrating the US universities to pollute US minds, and later, grabbing key positions in the administration to mould policies. The country rapidly lost its clout in innovation, diplomacy and trade, and today adds over $50 billion a month to its trade deficit.
In the true Zionist style, the US prides itself in bashing not trade. When Israel uses the US-supplied F-16s to bomb unarmed Palestinians, the US reprimands the Palestinians, not the Israelis. And then David McTernan of the 'Forward Thinking' tells you that Gaza's 70,000 municipal workers are paid by the EU for sitting home rather than working for the Hamas administration. Great stuff, isn't it?
Both the US and the EU are irreparably tarnishing the white man's image - a fact overlooked even by those EU members who experienced the embarrassment of living with a colonial power image. I pointed this out to Javier Solana but he didn't feel obliged even to deny it. All his press secretary could do was to acknowledge that my letter was received and given to Solana. All is happy silence ever since.
So, Americans alone aren't blind; Europeans too suffer from the same disability that hurts the white man's cause and image. How completely have the Zionists (not the God-fearing Jews) blinded the white mindset! God save the world from the white man driven by the Zionists as their proxy.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2009


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