I am amazed at the way Pakistani's and the government and media are fretting over killing of some 175 Indians and foreign tourists in Mumbai by 10 individuals, whom India claims to be terrorists from Pakistan.
Then there are about 100 Pakistani Americans living in USA, who under the patronage of Hussain Haqqani, feel humiliated and embarrassed at the carnage in Mumbai and they find it very difficult to face there fellow American. Does the Indian American feel it the same way about Indian occupation of Kashmir for the past 61 years. After 9/11, Pakistani's psyche has sunk so low, that a little pressure from any side and they start believing and acknowledging that they are truly responsible for all the bad events taking place in this world.
Now let us look at the methodology of the whole drama staged at Mumbai theatre by Indian agency RAW, in which Satan is played by terrorists of Pakistan Origin and the victims the innocent citizens of India and the Indian Government. This whole drama has been ably propagated by the Indian Media and fully supported by the Zionist and Christian lobby of the world. Now the question is, can this drama as put forward by the Indian government be acknowledged as a whole truth and nothing but the truth. A careful study of the event is essential for the general public.
In a poor and starving nations of South Asia it is very easy to recruit individuals for a kill. In the Mumbai drama, India claim that all the 10 terrorist were from Pakistan, out of that 9 are dead, only the Mole is kept alive, should he not be dead as well? Or is it that the dead were all hired Indians and the mole was recruited from Pakistan and was supposed to be kept alive. Second interesting point raised by the Indian Government is that all 10 left Karachi by boat, crossed the international and Indian territorial waters, and landed in the proximity of Mumbai and not a single Indian Navy ship intercepted them. Definitely the Indian Navy must be very incompetent to let the boat from Karachi penetrate into the Indian territorial waters and reach the shores of India.
The whole story given to the world media by the Indian govt. is mind boggling. India, which lays claims to its technological expertise and superiority is so inefficient that it cannot identify an approaching boat from enemy country. To top it all it took them 3 days to clear the Taj Hotel. The reason given was that they did not have floor plan of the Taj.
If terrorist could get the help of Google, couldn't RAW can do the same thing. Besides the Taj is owned by Tata Group, shouldn't they have provided them with the layout of the hotel. For general information Tata Group employees several hundred software engineers.
Doesn't matter how you look at the whole drama, the fingerprints of RAW are all over the scenario of this tragedy and UN should fully investigate the matter diligently. In the meantime the world should not pass their judgement that Pakistan ISI is responsible for what happened in Mumbai.
Bottom line is that this whole drama is staged by RAW to hoodwink the world and put pressure on Pakistan so that it is declared as a terrorist nation and blackmail Pakistan into accepting the present division of Kashmir.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2009


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