The Senate Functional Committee on Human Rights has directed the Ministry of Law and Justice to propose amendments in laws to ensure and increase participation of womenfolk in the general elections. The Committee met at Parliament House; under the Chairmanship of Senator S. M. Zafar also asked the Ministry for proposals to curb illegal practices of banning women from casting their votes.
The meeting discussed the final report issued by European Union Election Observation Mission that had pointed out non-participation of women in the election in certain areas under restrictive agreements. The Committee termed it extremely unfortunate and undemocratic on the part of local leaders in the remote areas of the country prohibiting womenfolk from exercising their right to vote.
"Such mind-set need to be changed through education and awareness campaigns," the members said, adding that Election Commission needs to be strengthened for holding free and fair elections equally participated by men and women. The Committee suggested that the Ministry of Human Rights should arrange seminars to realise importance of participation of women in the elections among masses.
Earlier, representatives of the Election Commission of Pakistan, Law Division, Human Rights Division and civil society organisations briefed the Committee of their observations during the February 18 Elections.
"Initiatives for improvement of the socio-economic condition of the people in remote areas and enhancing the education ratio is very much necessary to discourage such practices," they said. The meeting was attended by Senators Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Muhammad Abbas Komaili, Dr Khalid Ranjha and Dr Muhammad Said, besides Secretary Human Rights Division, senior officials of the Ministry of Law and Justice and Election Commission of Pakistan.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2009


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