Visiting citizens have failed to get their problems resolved at the one-window operation counters of the City District Government Karachi (CDGK) for the staff remains absent on a regular basis. After running from pillar to post, the complainers go back without accomplishing their work that needs the scrutiny of CDGK officials on the spot before dispatching it to the concerned officials for getting it disposed of.
The tall claims of the CDGK that the one-window operation facility on the ground floor at the Civic Centre is primarily aimed to facilitate the general public coming with a burden of unresolved problems on a daily basis, seemingly to have come to its dead-end.
There are some 43 counters of different civic departments, of which only three were seen operational on Wednesday. Whereas, the staff at the rest was unavailable to entertain the visitors. It has been witnessed that majority of the staff works as private agents and only entertain those queries on which they receive extra-fee, depends on the status of problems.
According to sources at civic centre, the government had made these counters in 2005, with the investment of millions of rupees, to minimise the public sufferings.
An ex-serviceman of defunct Karachi development Authority (KDA) at counters said "the place has now become a heaven for the brokers, who steal the people, interring into the government offices for the solution of their problems." He alleged that these black sheep are used to tell the people that their concerned mater would be solved immediately if they pay extra money for the service they made.
"No file will be entertained in the departments here if some one does not want to give bribe," said an old man who had visited to the Land and Revenue Department several times and had failed to solve his property transferring issue. Dozens of lady teachers, sitting out side the education department, said that they neither had entertained at department's counter at ground floor as it was closed, nor in the department offices.
Due to the unavailability of staff at ground floor to guide the public, there were many people in great confusion, visiting departments at different floors of the 10-story building of the city government.
While the sources at civic centre said that Seyed Mustafa Kamal, the City Nazim had repeatedly emphasised the staff to help and guide the people staying at counters from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm positively. They said the brokers, were easily fleecing those people who wanted to avoid the delaying practices of officials, and complex process of documentation.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2009


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