President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Tuesday stressed the need of holistic change in the policies of new US administration in war on terror with particular reference to Pakistan and Afghanistan. They were talking to Richard Holbrooke, the US Special Representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan, who called on President Asif Ali Zardari at the Aiwan-e-Sadr and Prime Minister Gilani at PM House.
They advised the special envoy to reach out to reconcilable elements of the Taliban movement as part of a strategy for peace in the region. They also demanded an end of the US drone attacks on Pakistani territory, saying that these attacks are counter-productive and will harm the war against terrorism.
Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Information Minister Sherry Rehman, Finance Advisor Shaukat Tarin, Interior Advisor Rehman Malik, US Ambassador to Pakistan Anne W Patterson, Foreign Secretary and Secretary Interior were also present in the meetings.
The President and the Prime Minister apprised Richard Holbrooke about the negative implications of the drone attacks on Pakistani territory saying that these attacks are creating unrest among the people in tribal areas, besides causing hatred among tribal people.
They highlighted the importance of early legislation pertaining to establishment of Reconstruction Opportunity Zones (ROZs) in tribal areas to bring people in limelight and engage them in the development process. This, they said, would help address the root causes of extremism and terrorism, which stem from economic deprivation and social inequality.
They said that it is time to gain the confidence and support of people to eliminate terrorism and extremism in the region, while the drone attacks are further aggravating the situation in the region.
They stressed the need to differentiate the terrorism and extremism saying that terrorism and extremism are two different aspects and it is need of hour to formulate separate strategies for the two menaces. They said that Afghan war was also having negative impact on the Pakistani tribal areas and the people sentiment getting sourest.
Pakistani leadership impressed upon the US government to help resolve longstanding Kashmir issue which bedevilled Pakistan-India relations for over six decades. Early solution of the dispute can ensure lasting peace and stability in the region, they added.
President Zardari and Holbrooke discussed the situation on Pak-Afghan border and ongoing military operation in tribal area, tension with neighbouring India following the Mumbai attacks and bilateral relations between Pakistan and the United States.
President Zardari gave some suggestions to Holbrooke for maintaining peace in the region. It is learnt that Holbrooke conveyed the concerns and reservation of the US administration to Pakistan govt over release of nuclear scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan.
While talking to Holbrooke, Prime Minister Gilani urged that Pakistan and the US should base their relations on trust, cohesion and understanding in their struggle against extremism and terrorism and realise the strengths and constraints of each other.
Pakistan wants to join hands with the US to build a new global strategic consensus for peace, security and stability in the region, he said, adding that the two countries should enhance co-operation in defence and intelligence sharing.
He stressed the need to develop a comprehensive strategy to deal with the issue of terrorism, militancy and extremism with emphasis on dialogue and development. Obama administration should reconsider the policy of the US incursions as such actions have proved counterproductive and are promoting anti-American feeling in the area while severely undermining the public support for the counter-terrorism measures, Gilani said, adding that steps should be taken for eliminating drug money which is the main source of funding to terrorists.
Holbrooke assured Pakistani leadership of complete support of the US administration saying that despite its economic difficulties, the US administration will fully support Pakistan in overcoming its current economic problems. He said he is neither carrying any messages from his leadership nor has any demand to make. He said that he has come to listen to the Pakistani leadership to understand the ground situation. He specifically mentioned that President Obama feels close affinity towards Pakistan as he in his younger days had widely travelled the country.
He agreed with Pakistan's proposal to form a parallel group to co-ordinate with his team to review new US strategy towards Afghanistan, Pakistan and terrorism. He urged that a Pakistani team comprising all the important and relevant departments may visit the US in March as the new US administration would like to complete its strategic review before the forthcoming Nato summit.
MEETING WITH KAYANI: Holbrooke also called on the Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. General Kayani informed Holbrooke about the negative impact of the US drone attacks on the efforts of Pakistan in war against terrorism. He demanded of the US government to stop the US drone attacks on Pakistan territory, as they proved counter-productive. Kayani, Holbrooke discussed the ongoing military operation in tribal areas besides the impact of the cross border infiltration of militants from Afghanistan.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2009


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