Sindh Industries and Commerce Minister Rauf Siddiqi on Thursday said that government is committed to revive handicrafts and cottage industry in Sindh. For this purpose, construction of a small estate on 50 acres at Mithi is being completed to promote local Sindhi handicraft and encourage the artisans.
Talking to a delegation of artisans, Rauf Siddiqui informed that two schemes for Thar artisans - 100 Artisan workshops, display center and convention center at Mithi are being constructed to support Sindhs crafts and provide employment opportunities in Thar. The minister said that SITE Ltd has been instructed to upgrade industrial estates in Sindh to international standards.
He emphasised that it is infrastructure, which attracts and motivates the investors and ultimately harness the potential of handicraft industry. Rauf Siddiqui said that federal government is likely to announce 10 years tax holiday for setting up agro-based industries in the interior of Sindh which will help boost home-based agri business and provide job opportunities.
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