An Indian woman is hoping to enter the record books as the worlds "hottest" woman after munching 51 fiery chillies in two minutes, organisers of the feat said Friday. Anandita Dutta Tamuly, 26, chewed her way through the chillies before an audience late Thursday in Indias north-east.
She consumed the chillies in the company of British celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, who was producing a television show on food and anchoring the event in Jorhat, 300 kilometers (180 miles) east of Assams main city of Guwahati. "In two minutes, Anandita gobbled 51 red-hot chillies without batting an eyelid or shedding a tear, and also smeared seeds of 25 chillies into her eyes in one minute," Atul Lahkar, a chef who organised the show said.
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