President Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain has said that Pakistan army can steer the country out of present security crisis, the way it helped out in resolving judicial crisis.
Speaking at a seminar on 'Pakistan's present crisis and the way out' organised by Qaumi Welfare Foundation here on Wednesday, he said that we have to take the nation out of present quagmire of disappointment and army is the only institution which could keep things in tact as they are seemingly slipping out of government's control.
This should not be considered as an invitation to the army to intervene in government affairs, he clarified, adding that the army, government and all the political forces should join hands to find a permanent solution of the security concerns being faced by the country to put it back on road to stability and economic development.
The seminar also passed three resolutions, which included withdrawal of all the cases against Baloch youth, release of all political workers languishing in Balochistan jails and a mechanism be developed to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) of Swat, Buner and Fata in this hour of need. He also called for convening national conference on Balochistan and the situation in Fata and Swat.
In present scenario, Shujaat said, it is crystal clear that neither army nor political parties could resolve the security concerns faced by the country alone. "It is a national crisis and we all will have to confront the challenges collectively through broader understanding," he maintained.
PML-Q Secretary General Mushahid Hussain Sayed suggested formation of a policy on Fata and Balochistan as need of the hour. He, however, added that there should be balanced in the acts of military and parliament. Former federal minister for interior, Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao expressed anguish and concern over the deteriorating law and order situation in Swat, Buner, Fata, Balochistan and Karachi.
He criticised President Asif Ali Zardari for his remarks that US had promised with Pakistan that it would not to expand drone attacks to Balochistan. "The president says that we have got assurances from US that it will not carry out drone attacks in Balochistan. It means the government has given permission to US for carrying out drone attacks in Peshawar, if not, why it does not ask the US to stop drone attacks in Fata", he questioned.
If the provinces were not given autonomy, he warned, terrorism and extremism would spread throughout the country. "If the government is sincere to resolve the problems faced by the country, it should give provincial autonomy to the provinces. If we resolved the problems of the provinces, the country would be prosperous and we will not be begging in front the US", he added.
Acting Chairman Senate Jan Muhammad Jamali said that the deprivation of Baloch people has reached to an extent that hoisting of national flag and reciting of national anthem have been banned in all the schools of Balochistan. He said that the time to convene national conference is over and now the government needs to take practical measures to address the grievances of Baloch.
In Balochistan fundamentalists, feudalists, nationalists and ultra-nationalists are having some parts in playing a negative role in the unrest. He called upon the government to send the military back to the barracks and deploy the Frontier Constabulary (FC) to safeguard the 2100 long border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
"Balochistan has a natural affiliation with Iran and we are not allowed border trade. I had served as chief minister in the province and know how the federal government is running the affairs of the Balochistan. The time is over, go beyond rhetoric, just do it", he warned.
Renowned political analyst Dr Shirin M Mazari lashed out at federal minister for interior Rehamn Malik's remarks that President Zardari working on strengthening the 'Sardari system'. "Balochistan issue is political issue and linking Sardari system with it is non-sense, ridiculous", she deplored. "The US has become a problem for Pakistan.
We must stop taking dollars from it as its only aim is to destabilise Pakistan by spending the dollars for different purposes", she added. She said Bhandari airbase in Balochistan is being used by US drones. She said unmanned drones were flying from Balochistan with the consent of the government and alleged that Bhandari airbase has been developed by the US forces, which were using for the drone attacks inside Pakistan's tribal areas.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2009


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