Acting Speaker National Assembly Faisal Karim Kundi on Friday said that in view of existing law and order situation in the country, the Criminology should be incorporated as a subject in the syllabus.
"Criminological studies and research have assumed importance in the existing global scenario. Its importance in Pakistan and surrounding region is even greater," he said while addressing the launching of Pakistan Journal of Criminology.
Kundi said the Higher Education Commission (HEC) should also replace the proposed M.Sc Criminology syllabus, that in addition to being outdated has no relevance whatsoever to the existing situation of Pakistan and modern development in the field of criminology across the world.
The journal, launched by the Pakistan Society of Criminology (PSC), contained research articles on various subjects. The Acting Speaker appreciated the launching of the journals saying, "this pioneer journal is a proof that we are moving in the right direction." He said the efforts of PSC in setting up of procedures for recording authentic data has no parallel in Pakistan.
Kundi called upon the concerned government authorities to establish specialised research cells or units in all provincial police departments and other law enforcement agencies.
He said the research cell should conduct empirical research and formulate cost-effective crime prevention policies, especially for child rights abuses, violence against women, trafficking in illicit drugs, human trafficking, money laundering, cyber crimes street crimes and terrorism and extremism.
Kundi offered his possible assistance to all the concerned departments and organisations and PSC for setting up of an Institute of Criminology, Research and Justice Education. However, he urged the international community and civil society to provide technical and financial assistance to police and other law enforcing agencies for this purpose.
Speaking on the occasion Commandant National Police Academy congratulated Fasihuddin President of PSC for launching of the journal. He said in modern day policing the study and research in criminology is vitally important for the police to play a proactive role in crime control and advising the government or formulating correct policies about correlates of crime.
He said the efforts of Fasihuddin will bear fruit and PSC will turnout to be a think tank for discussion and evolving better crime control strategies under the present challenged of terrorism, militancy, extremism and erosion of Pakistan's value system.
Director General Federal Judicial Academy Moazzam Hayat said that the government should introduce Criminology as a subject in all the schools and colleges to train a force of young generation to root out the causes of religious terrorism. "By learning criminology we can fight criminality more effectively."
He further said that there should be close relationship between police academy and Federal Judicial Academy to train officers and officials associated with administration of justice.
Speaking on the occasion President PSC said, "I have written much about my understanding of criminological knowledge and research in my modest book and during my presentations and papers at various national and international conferences. He said the field of indigenous criminology adds and contributes to the world knowledge of criminology and its vertical and horizontal expansion.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2009


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