There were some signs of unity. There was unanimity of views. It seemed on Tuesday that parliamentarians from all parties stand behind the armed forces currently engaged in battle with militants to save Swat. It cannot be said for sure that this unity came as a result of their intentions, or they were just sweet coincidence taking place in the National Assembly.
As they were endorsing the military action, some MNAs were giving hopes. Some were expressing grievances over the treatment meted out to the internally-displaced persons (IDPs) by Punjab administration. But by and large the National Assembly proceedings were balanced and the parliamentarians were not reproducing the claims Taliban are being supported by foreign countries. If the Taliban have the backing of the foreign countries such as the US and India, they should be crushed more sternly.
If you go with party lines almost all the political parties backed the military operation. PML (N) MNAs Sahibzada Fazal Karim, Naseer Bhutta, Ayaz Amir, PPP lawmakers Palwasha Muhammadzai Khan, Syed Hamid Saeed Kazmi, Mehboobullah Jan, MQM's Haider Abbas Rizvi, PML-Q's Marvi Memon and Nosheen Saeed, Fata MNAs Akhunzada Chitan, Zafar Baig Bhitani and independent MNAs Engineer Usman Khan Tarakai and others were some of them.
Ayaz Amir of the PML (N) was trying to give some new hopes. He said that troubles come in the lives of the nations. Turkey, France and Germany had faced a situation, which was worse than what we face today. The leaders of these countries had a vision through which they steered their nations out of the crises.
"Military operation was last option that should be carried out in an effective manner," he added. If the present offensive failed, we cannot imagine what would happen to us and our country," added the lawmaker who was praying for the success of military action in Swat.
He was critical of the military action that is still being ordered and executed by the Pentagon, the Pakistan army headquarters (GHQ). He said that parliament, federal cabinet and the Prime Minister should order and execute the military operations. His assertion cannot be rejected. But the present PPP government has done a lot of things during the last over one year.
The joint sitting of the two houses were given briefings by the military and intelligence leadership. Yes of course, the parliament has not yet gained focal point as far as important decision-making is concerned, but the progress towards that end is being felt.
Yes, one can question the failure of the government on diplomatic front. It is said that Zardari failed to woo the US leadership to accept Pakistan case during his trip to Washington. This is the area where the government must improve its efficiency. Ayaz Amir was right to assert that Pakistan should effectively tackle the water disputes with India at international level. Apologetic approach and reactive policy will not work.
The PML (N) MNA said it would be better to come out of this war as soon as possible. "Military action can be successful if the leadership is strong enough to face the situation," he said. There is a dire need of national direction.
Minister for religious affairs Syed Hamid Saeed Kazmi supported the Swat operation. He also demanded to conduct such operation against Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and other such organisations in some parts of Punjab. This is something new, which was demanded by the minister. There are already calls from the MQM to have military action against Taliban in Karachi. If these are to be met, then the military could have long list of places where they will have to take action.
One would request the MQM and the religious affairs minister not to put the army to Swat like operation in other areas of the country. This might be beneficial for party or group, but this will have serious repercussions for the general public. Urban wars will have more collateral damage. The situation in Karachi and southern Punjab should not be allowed to go to the extent, which we are witnessing presently in Swat valley.
Opening up new fronts will not solve the problem. In Karachi, there is a tussle or clash of interest between MQM and ANP. It should be resolved through dialogue. In Swat, the military operation has turned into war of nerves. The Taliban will definitely want to prolong it.
The army will definitely wants the action to be brief and swift. Some analysts say that the government desire to immediately end the military action is considered to be a weakness by the Taliban. They know the tactics how to prolong this war. The army must know it. The government should take care of IDPs. But equal attention must be given to the stranded people.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2009


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