Soon after the AJK history's first-ever suicide attack on security personnel in Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) the security has been put on high alert across AJK to frustrate any attempt of subversion and terrorism by any mischievous element, official sources said.
The sources told APP here Saturday that the process of thorough checking of all the vehicles at entry and exit points of AJK by the police contingents has been intensified. Police posts have been established at entry points of AJK, including Bararkot, Kohala, Azad Pattan, Dhalkot, Mangla, Dhan galli and Gujrat-Bhimbher entry point to undertake thorough checking of all those getting traveled to and from Azad Kashmir including this district by all means of public and private transport.
Mirpur Deputy Commissioner Chaudhry Muhammad Tayyeb told APP here Saturday that thorough checking of all the vehicles at all entry points leading to this district, including Mangla, Jatlan and Dhangalli has been intensified.
Besides, the checking of all the vehicles moving in the district including the city has also been geared up by the police on small and major roads. The DC said that under a special campaign, the vehicles with tinted glasses and suspicious number plates are being thoroughly checked with removal of black screens. The DC asked the owners of the vehicles bearing black screens and unauthorised number plates to maintain the vehicles properly and not to indulge in illegal activities.
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