The Pakistan Industrial and Traders Associations Front (PIAF) has contributed Rs 1.75 million to the Chief Minister Relief Fund for IDPs. The PIAF Chairman Irfan Qaiser Sheikh, Vice Chairman Khawaja Shahzeb Akram and LCCI former President Mian Anjum Nisar presented the cheque of donation to Chief Minister Punjab Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif.
On the occasion, PIAF leaders lauded the efforts of Chief Minister Punjab for the wellbeing of Malakand Division's affectees. They said that PIAF would continue to supplement the efforts of Punjab government and extend their best co-operation. It is pertinent to mention that PIAF had already dispatched three truckloads of rice, two truckloads of flour and medicine for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of Malakand Division.
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