Town Municipal Administration, Landhi has presented its Rs 577.52 million budget for fiscal year 2009-10 on Monday. According to a press release issued by Landhi Town administration, presenting the budget the Town Naib Nazim, Muhammad Hameed, said that the new budget includes estimated non-development expenditures of Rs 248.32 million, Rs 62.78 million and Rs 9.7 million for salaries, contingencies, and maintenance respectively.
While development expenditures included Rs 132.42 million, Rs 190.286 million, Rs 60.86 million Rs 80.34 million, and Rs 111.48 million for cleaning, communication, electrical/mechanical, development of parks and municipal services respectively. The Town Naib Nazim also requested the Sindh government to increase the Zila Tax as the government has already increased 20 percent in salaries. The Town was to receive 40 million less amount in the fiscal year as the Sindh government had only increased 13 percent in the Zila tax. -PR
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