Malaysian shares were flat on Wednesday due to mild profit-taking on selected blue chips, dealers said. The Kuala Lumpur Composite Index lost 0.89 point, or 0.08 percent, to close at 1,065.47. Losers outnumbered gainers 336 to 188. "Thin, negatively biased newsflow has had a hand in keeping investors at bay," a dealer told Dow Jones Newswires.
"Concerns that the road to economic recovery for the United States and Europe may take longer than anticipated is also hurting sentiment," he added. Among losers, palm oil producers IOI Corp lost 1.30 percent to 4.60 ringgit and Sime Darby was down 0.70 percent to 7.20. On the upside, top bank Maybank gained 1.80 percent to 5.75 ringgit while glove maker Supermax rose 10.80 percent to 1.85.
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