Every year, 14 October is commemorated in 151 countries by National Standards bodies as member of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) as World Standards Day. The spirit of this day is to create awareness about standards and quality of products & services in general and highlight a specific theme in particular.
This year's theme for World Standards Day is "Tackling climate change through standards". It is significant from the perspective of tackling environmental degradation and limiting consequent vulnerability to natural disaster. The environmental and planning agencies at the Federal and Provincial levels must develop requisite expertise and resources to ensure compliance with the best international practices.
The world is changing rapidly both technologically and economically and thus making recognition of the International Standards of great relevance in every society. Obviously quality culture is only possible in the society when all the main stakeholders pursue common objectives, goals and aspirations. Our every day reliance on products and their safety, the availability of all weather communications and a constantly increasing requirement of quality of services is a tribute to thousands of standards in use all over the world courtesy IEC, ISO, and ITU.
Similarly, the World Trade Organisation (WTO under Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade has laid great emphasis on the significance of international standards in providing the requisite basis for global markets, to address the safety and health issues of the public. Simultaneously ensuring the removal of unnecessary technical barriers to free trade with the spirit to usher in an era of quality conscious culture all over the world.
I am happy to note that the PSQCA is moving along-with world and making sincere efforts towards promoting MSTQ infrastructure side by side with the quality of our products and making them acceptable both at home and aboard. I wish PSQCA to be a successful organisation in its endeavours and to contribute towards economic development of the nation.
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