It is indeed an honour to felicitate PSQCA on celebrating the World Standard Day on the l4 day of October 2009 in collaboration with ISO, IEC & ITU prestigious international organisations and is publishing special supplements in the national dailies. There cannot be two opinions about importance of quality and role of standardisation in the progress and development of trade and industry.
The WTO/TBT agreement has further enhanced the significance of national standards to be compatible with international ones in order to cut the cost, build consumer confidence and gain access in the global market.
The Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) under the Ministry of Science & Technology is the apex government body established through Act of the Parliament in 1996, for planning and co-ordination of activities in the realm of Standards, conformity assessment and improve quality control in the industry with a vision to ensure production of goods and services as per best international practices. PSQCA is, therefore, a subscribing member of several international organisations such as International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) International Electro technical Commission (IFC) International Organisation of Legal metrology (OIML) and participating members of committee on consumer policy (COPOLCO) and Committee on Conformity Assessment (CASCO). Besides this authority represents country in several regional organisations like SARSO, RISCAM, etc.
Information Technology has made the world a single unit and a large segment of consumers, having little choice and narrow access for quality goods in the past, are now in a position to demand quality goods and talk about standards specially when it is matter of health, safety and value added products.
This year, the global community under the aegis of ISO has adopted Tackling climate change through standards' as theme of World Standards Day. With growing awareness about environmental hazards and associated risks including climatic changes, the world community has become more sensitive to this subject. The ISO therefore in its lead role in standard development at global level has initiated various projects, initiatives, work programmes and other activities committed to environmental and energy issues. The energy efficient products and green buildings are in the fore front from environment as well as energy consumption perspective.
In this era of free trade of goods and Services under WTO regime, there is greater need for the development and enforcement of standards harmonised with international standards. The Standards have become the essential for our exports, and Pakistan cannot afford isolation on this account especially in view of the latest developments. The PSQCA entrusted with the task of standards and related activities has to move shoulder to shoulder with ISO and its members to safeguard Pakistan's interest for sustainability of its exports. I must commend upon PSQCA's efforts for enforcement of Standards and Quality of Products and moving towards the higher goal of sustainable economic development of the country.
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