Indonesian shares closed 1.61 percent higher on Wednesday as stronger oil prices inspired buying in commodity-related stocks after recent pullbacks, dealers said. The Jakarta Composite Index gained 39.73 points to 2,511.72 in moderate volume. Traders said the stronger rupiah plus gains in other Asian markets also boosted sentiment.
"Healthy foreign buying is expected to continue tomorrow and drive the main index to hit its 2009 record," a trader told Dow Jones Newswires. Coal miner Bumi Resources rose 5.4 percent to 2,950 rupiah, Bukit Asam added 2.5 percent to 14,400 while cement maker Semen Gresik rose 3.8 percent to 6,800. The rupiah closed at 9,375 to the dollar compared to 9,445 at the last close.
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