The Dow industrials pierced the 10,000 level on Wednesday for the first time in a year on surprisingly robust company results and better-than-expected retail sales. Based on the latest available data, the Dow Jones industrial average was up 144.88 points, or 1.47 percent, at 10,015.94. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index rose 18.95 points, or 1.77 percent, at 1,092.14. The Nasdaq Composite Index was up 32.34 points, or 1.51 percent, at 2,172.23.
Strong results from J.P. Morgan Chase & Co and Intel Corp also bolstered analysts' optimism over the earnings season that is picking up pace. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co said profit rose sharply, lifting hopes other major Wall Street banks would report strong results this week. Its stock jumped 2.7 percent to $46.91, while the S&P financial index gained 2.6 percent.
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