The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has decided to execute future recreational projects on self-sustainable basis to ensure better quality of services and enjoyment facilities to the residents of the federal capital. "The execution of recreational projects on self-sustainable basis would help us ensure better quality services to the visitors and proper maintenance of public parks," said a CDA spokesperson.
He said the authority was determined to end disparity between the residential sectors of E, F series and G and I series and CDA Chairman Imtiaz Inayat Elahi had directed the concerned to scatter recreational facilities in all sectors rather than dumping these on one or two sectors.
The spokesman said the authority had also started making arrangements to ensure proper security of the people visiting public parks and picnic spots to facilitate public and avoided any untoward incident. He said that kiosks in public parks would be relocated to avoid congestion at the recreational facilities.
The system of imposition of fine would be made more effective to overcome littering in parks. All vendors providing services in the parks would be licensed to ensure quality of products and services to the public. He said garbage, raw construction material would be removed at the earliest and bushes along the roadsides would be regularly trimmed. Meanwhile, the commuters travelling to the capital city via airport road urged the authority to carry out patch-work on fastly breaking up road between Karal chowk and Flying Club turning.
Amir Khan, a resident of a nearby colony said while benefiting from the newly made road this part of the road was developing potholes and humps and timely repair would rectify the situation and demanded of the concerned to check its further break up in time. Similarly, the part of the loop from Faizabad was need of repair to facilitate smooth flow of traffic.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2009


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