Senior Vice President PML-N, Makhdoom Javed Hashmi has said that government has not taken a historical step by accepting the Kerry-Lugar Bill without presenting it in the parliament. Rather it is a historical disloyalty with the nation. All the political parties including PML-N have rejected the Kerry-Lugar Bill. He was talking to media at his residence here on Saturday.
Makhdoom said that the way Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi hailed Kerry-Lugar Bill in the parliament is pathetic. Government has decided by rejecting the facts that the opinion of 170 million people keeps no worth before it. If President Asif Zardari has decided while putting back the Charter of Democracy to have a historical deal on the public interest then undemocratic forces can raise their heads again. "This time the responsibility would be also on politicians," he added.
Hashmi said that in the past, Asif Zardari neglected the public opinion regarding the restoration of judiciary and as a result army had to come in action. Once again the situation is the same and PPP should not by pass the parliament. He said that just for 1.5 billion dollar, government has given the people of Pakistan directly in the slavery of US.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2009


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