I am keen to write to you at a key moment. We took management control of KESC to fix it: to create value and to serve Karachi. We are driven by a mix of opportunity for economic value creation and frankly, passion and pride in the city. Those who know the senior individuals here well know that.
Disruptive elements are taking advantage of frankly, internal and very simple personnel decisions, to damage our business which if unchecked, could disrupt the supply of electricity to Karachi. We will do our utmost to stop that, as will the authorities in Karachi and frankly, our federal stakeholders also.
However, at this point, I would like to make a personal request that all coverage of the situation in media be balanced, fair and reflect both the wider risks to Karachi and the core issue, which is: Can we be allowed to fix this broken company one-time and make valid and reasonable business decisions, or will we be hindered at each step and forever be at the mercy of force and opportunism?
That is the core issue and I would urge that your journalists all take a moment to reflect on what we - including yourselves - are here to achieve: to create value, opportunity for good people and to show the public and outsiders, that Pakistan and Karachiites can truly achieve great things.
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