The Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry welcomed the decision to boycott the broadcasting of all the matches of the third edition of Indian Premier League (IPL). In a press statement issued here on Friday, the LCCI President Zafar Iqbal Chaudhry, Senior Vice President Ijaz A. Mumtaz and Vice President Faisal Iqbal Sheikh said that the Federal Minister for Sports Aijaz Ahmad Jakhrani deserves appreciation for coming up with a clear policy regarding broadcasting of IPL matches.
It is a proper response to India as they mixed the politics with the sports. The LCCI office-bearers said that some Indian hawks were hell bent to spoil the existing relations between the two countries. "They always try to exploit whatever opportunity they get and the Indian government should take notice of such things, they said.
The LCCI office-bearers said that Indian officials had not humiliated Pakistani cricketers but they had shown their real face to the world. The LCCI has also appealed to the masses to boycott all the matches of IPL series.
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