The power shortfall on Saturday surged to 5,010 MW as generation was recorded 10,306 MW against total demand of 15,316 MW during last 24 hours. According to daily power generation report, the hydel generation stood at 2,714 MW, Wapda thermal 2,586 MW and IPPs 5,006 MW. As many as 650 MW was supplied to Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC), the report further said.
According to recent reports from Washington based on an outcome of a meeting between Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani and Chairman US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Johan Kerry, Pakistan has been assured provision of Module power plant having generation capacity of 10,000 MW to overcome power shortfall, said the report.
The first RPP with a capacity of 150 MW set up in Faisalabad is likely to become operational within next 15 days. Work on eight RPPs is in full swing, which on completion will add 1,115 MW of power to the national gird, it said. The report said that a consortium of IFIs, WB, ADB and IDB has agreed to extend $1.2 billion loan for nine energy projects in Pakistan which include 740 MW Munda Dam, 100 MW Kurram Tangi Dam, Warsak, Mangla Dams Hydroelectric Projects, Neelum Jhelum to Rawat transmission lines and others.
The government has signed an MoU with Japan for provision of $260 million loan to improve transmission lines and grid station technical upgradation. The loan funds would be used for civil work, equipment procurement, construction and expansion of substations and extension of transmission lines. This would help eliminate forced outages.
Some of the IPPs and RPPs that are likely to add more power generation during the current year include Karkey Rental, Reshama Rental, Saif Power, Engro Power Bhikki Power, Hubco Narowal, Liberty Power and Gulf Rental. The total impact of these projects is likely to add around 3,000 MW by end of the year. Sindh Government EPA has issued NOC to Karkey RPPs of 231.8 MW from environmental perspective that would help bridge the gap of power shortfall.
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