AutoSoft Dynamics (Pvt) Limited is a fast growing Pakistan based supplier of a complete banking solution. We offer our clients a full spectrum of products and services that cater to meet the ever-changing needs of the financial services industry. We house over 120 employees with offices across three major cities in Pakistan.
At this time, our systems are being used in financial institutions in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. AutoBANKER is a global banking system catering to the requirements of any financial institution, providing online, real time synchronised banking business automation. The system empowers banks to continuously enhance their business by leveraging agile, new generation technologies. Via its customisable parameter set-up, it allows for dynamic, reliable and scalable product transformations in line with new practices and procedures.
The end-to-end AutoBANKER product suite caters for core banking, treasury, trade finance, consumer and corporate lending, electronic delivery channels and additional administrative modules in a seamlessly integrated manner. The system has been designed and developed through years of experience and interaction with global banks and offers several powerful and differentiating features making it one of the most comprehensive, flexible and scalable solutions in its class.
Aside from its conventional banking products, AutoSoft has a strong portfolio of products catering to the fast-growing Islamic Banking industry. Our Islamic banking products are based on distribution of profits and losses of investments and the products encompass highly specialised processes and transactional workflows that are compliant with Islamic jurisprudence (Shariah). AutoSoft is one of the first banking software automation companies to develop and deploy a fully Shariah compliant product suite. AutoIBANKER is operational in 65 branches of Emirates Global Islamic Bank Limited for the past five years.
The ADAMS (Automatic Deal, Money Market and Securities Trading System) solution is the best way to maximise productivity of your treasury's trading desk as well as back office operations. The system provides users with wide-ranging features including real time exposure monitoring, support for inter-branch and foreign exchange transactions, derivatives, securities, equity and shares trading as well as all money market operations. The system is fully integrated with our Swift messaging system, AutoSWIFT for automatic generation of relevant SWIFT messages. ADAMS is currently being used by 9 banks, both local and international. It has been in use at the largest treasury of the country, National Bank of Pakistan for the past nine years.
AutoSoft has also developed a line of complementary systems necessary for banking operations including Trade Finance, Commercial and Consumer Credit Management, Human Resource Management, Locker Management, Fixed Asset Accounting, Telephone Banking and Web Banking Systems. Each of these solutions can be used as standalone systems or can be used in conjunction with one another. A comprehensive MIS system is attachable to all of these systems which come integrated with the features of both Central Bank and MIS reporting as required by any financial Institution.
AutoSoft is dedicated to ensuring round the clock availability of its IT Systems regardless of domestic instability or political conditions. Our strong commitment to our clients is demonstrated by our superior technical support facilities in three major cities. In our offices we have teams of senior and experienced members dedicated to the provision of system support and training of our application users.
Throughout the growth of the company, ASD has maintained the criticality of maturing its processes alongside its products and services. The company is ISO 9001:2008 certified and is currently in the final stage audit against the ISO 27001 standards for Information Security Management.
Throughout the growth of our company, ASD has maintained the criticality of maturing our processes alongside our products and services. Please note that all of our products and processes have been audited by Gulf Data International (GDI), a UAE based Software consultancy firm. The company attained ISO 9001:2000 status in 2003 and is currently ISO 9001:2008 certified. The company is also in the process of being audited for ISO 27001 Information Security Management System certification and is in the final stages.
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