KARACHI: Sindh Information Minister Syed Nasir Hussain Shah said on Wednesday that restoration of international cricket in Karachi would play a vital role in softening image of Karachi in the world and conducting of Pakistan Super Leagues (PSL) matches in Karachi would also enlighten it further.

Talking to media, Shah said that holding of the PSL matches in Karachi was a good news not only for Karachiites but also for all the people of Sindh.

He said that Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah deserved congratulations because it was his efforts which made it possible for the cricket lovers of Sindh and he won their hearts.

He also congratulated Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Chairman Najam Sethi, who would bring the International cricket to the grounds of Karachi, which is the city of true cricket lovers.

Sindh information minister said:

All the players of PSL will be warmly welcomed by the people of Sindh.



Copyright PPI (Pakistan Press International), 2017





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