The legal fraternity on Wednesday, while marking the third anniversary of May 12 carnage, dubbed the former President General Pervez Musharraf (Retd) a "mastermind" of the tragic killings in the city, saying that the government should bring him to justice.
General body meetings of Karachi Bar Association, Malir Bar Association and Sindh High Court Bar Association were held adopting several resolutions demanding of the government to arrest the perpetrators of May 12 carnage. Giving a month-ultimatum, they demanded of the government to bring the killers of over 40 people on May 12, 2007 or they would file a petition in Supreme Court in this regard.
They demanded of the government to file a case against Musharraf in High Court and try him for the killings. President Sindh High Court Bar Association, Rasheed A Rizvi, President Karachi Bar Association, Mehmoodul Hassan, General Secretary Karachi Bar Association, Salahudin and others spoke on the occasion.
Lawyers observed May 12 as "black day", and hoisted black flags outside the City Court and Sindh High Court premises and staged a rally and a sit-in on M.A. Jinnah road. Courts remained closed, as a result. Speakers criticised the government for not solving the public's primary problems of energy and employment. They said that the ruling stratum was enjoying luxuries while the poor were suffering for lack of basic amenities. They held the rulers responsible for all problems, which the country had been undergoing.
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