Apropos a news item "Rs 7.9 billion embezzlement found in PTA appeared in a section of media, a PTA spokesperson has clarified that the said news is misleading in nature and presented only one side of the picture. AGP has not identified any embezzlement, as wrongly quoted in said news, but has pointed out some, alleged irregularities which are yet to be finalised by Public Accounts Committee (PAC), the final authority on such issues pertaining to Public institutions.
Furthermore, most of the expenditures/payments are purely administrative in nature. The spokesman said that out of Rs 7.9 billion as reported, 7.711 billion are receivables from telecom operators, cases regarding which are pending in the different courts. Out of remaining Rs 239 million, 145 million was spent by the telecom operators/ licensees without any burden on government exchequer.-PR
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