US Consul General Carmela Coronoy has said that that America is helping the microfinance organisations in the developing countries. She said that in the Kerry-Lugar Bill amount has also been allocated for micro finance. She was speaking at the ceremony organised by the Kashf Foundation to celebrate the success of Kashf Foundation, a Microfinance Institute that aims to provide financial services for all and alleviate poverty in Pakistan on Thursday.
Managing Director Kashf Foundation Roshaneh Zafar have also been recognised by President Obama in his speech at Global Entrepreneurship summit held in Washington where he described Kashf as an Pakistani organisation that had "lifted hundreds of thousands of families and children out of poverty," and made specific mention of Kashf and Roshaneh Zafar.
Carmela said that Pakistani women are very hard working. She said that the Pakistani women know the skills of embroidery and they are the best embroiders in the world. "Roshaneh is an inspirational role model and is living proof that one person can change the lives of thousands. Thank you for being the Vital Voice for Pakistan", Conroy said.
She also said that Roshaneh is providing training and financing to poor people so that they can enjoy life. Managing Director Kashf Foundation Roshaneh Zafar has said that there are simple solutions to difficult problems; we intellectualise poverty, whereas the answers to these problems are intuitive if we leave half of our workforce behind, the women of our nation, we can never achieve economic growth without good governance. We will never have sustainable development.
Furthermore, she stated that, "we are not here to celebrate my achievements; we are here to celebrate the achievements of all those women, our clients, who act as our icons and as active economic agents of our country. These are the women who bring about the change in Pakistan. We are in the business of dignity building; providing access to each and every Pakistani.
Head of Operations Kashf Kamran Azim said that "Roshaneh continues to find innovative solutions to the rising problem of poverty. The Kashf family believes that if we are able to change the life of even one individual, we have succeeded in our mission."
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