The Indian rupee erased intraday gains to end weaker on Friday, as the euro touched an 18-month low against the dollar and a fall in local share prices raised concerns about the pace of capital inflows this year. The partially convertible rupee ended at 45.21/22 per dollar, off an intraday high of 45.04 and about 0.3 percent lower than Thursday's close of 45.08/09. It had opened weaker at 45.21.
One-month offshore non-deliverable forward contracts were at 45.27/37, weaker than the onshore spot rate. In the currency futures market, the most traded near-month dollar-rupee contracts on the National Stock Exchange and MCX-SX ended at 45.2225 and 45.2275 respectively, with the total traded volume on the two exchanges at $6.9 billion.
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