Addressing judges and advocates on Saturday, Chief Justice Lahore High Court (LHC), Khawaja Muhammad Sharif, said, "Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry is our leader and all people of judiciary are his solider."
He said that independence of judiciary would be ensured in the country at any cost. "For the supremacy of law, every sacrifice would be made," he sated this while addressing judges and advocates here on Saturday. In the eyes of judiciary, the rich and poor are all equal, he said.
Justice Asif Munir, Justice Ejaz Chaudhry, District and Sessions Judge Attock Sohail Nasir, President Jand Bar, Advocate Arshad Hameed and scores of lawyers were present on the occasion. Chief Justice LHC said that upgradation of Jand Courts to Sessions Division was his duty. Violators of law would be dealt with an iron hand, he said while emphasising that the federal and provincial governments should respect the law.
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