Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani said that Pakistan Peoples Party would protect democratic system in the country as Shaheed Benazir Bhutto sacrificed her life for the revival of democracy. Talking to the media after inaugurating the Expo Centre Lahore here on Saturday, he said the PPP would honour the commitment between Shaheed Benazir Bhutto and Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, about the continuity of democracy in the country.
The premier said PPP was in coalition with other political parties in all the provinces, adding PPP leadership was aware of its responsibilities towards democracy. To a question, he said Judiciary also suffered during the movement for restoration of democracy and it realises its responsibilities regarding democratic system.
"I telephoned Chief Justice of Pakistan and assured him that the PPP respects the courts as it was the part of the PPP manifesto," he added. To another query, the premier said senior federal ministers would appear before the courts in major cases in the future.
To a question about the Swiss cases, he said the government would follow the rules and the constitution in this regard. An independent judiciary, the premier said it was the time of revolution for all institutions including parliament and media.
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