The Acting vice-chancellor Punjab University Professor Dr Jamil Anwar Chaudhry, held a surprise check of the security arrangements at New Campus on Saturday morning and described the security arrangements as unsatisfactory in view of the prevailing security situation when 5 explosions had went off in and around Tibbi City last evening.
Later on, presiding over a meeting of senior security staff after his hour long surprise visit to check level of vigilance on the part of security staff on duty at various varsity gates and entry points as well as underpasses, the acting vice-chancellor pointed out various shortcomings besides suggesting remedial measures on the spot.
He said in addition to further beefing up the presence of security guards round the clock, the existing checking procedure at gates and entry points should be strictly enforced so that no vehicle or visitor could enter the varsity without prior proper identification.
During the visit, Dr Jamil Anwar also checked the efficiency and preparedness of the rapid deployment security personnel and found the same satisfactory. All the heads of departments shall be personally responsible for enforcement of proper vigilance in and around their respective departments with the help of chowkidars and guards; he added and remarked that no laxity or inefficiency in the strict compliance of new security measures shall be tolerated.
The acting vice-chancellor was accompanied by advisor to vice chancellor Colonel Ikram Ullah Khan, CSO Colonel Khalid Hassan, RO-I Shahid Gul, RO-II Malik Muhammad Zaheer and Estate Officer Shakoor, during his surprise inspection of the campus area. ASA strongly condemns sacrilegious caricatures competition.
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