A former doctor with the French football team has claimed that several members of the France squad provided suspect blood samples just before their 1998 World Cup win. In an interview in the daily Le Parisien on Wednesday, the day before his book "The Implosion" is due to be released, Dr Jean-Pierre Paclet lifted the lid on what he claims is an open secret.
"Blood tests revealed anomalies for several Bleus just before the 1998 World Cup," he said. "You can have strong suspicions when you know the clubs where certain players played, noteably those in the Italian league. "It's public knowledge that there were practices which were borderline, to say the least, at Juventus at that time," Dr Paclet said of the former club of French stars Zinedine Zidane and Didier Deschamps.
Dr Paclet, the French team doctor from 2004 to 2008, continued: "I've invented nothing. Having a high hematocrit level did not prove that they took EPO. As there was no proof we didn't bother them."
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