Punjab Agricultural Research Board (PARB) has finalised panels of experts for technical evaluation of 16 research projects in the sector of livestock and dairy development. These 16 projects have been scrutinised out of 84 research projects at Punjab Agricultural Research Board (PARB) level for its further evaluation by these panels or Technical Working Groups (TWGs).
According to the spokesperson of the Board, approval of these panels of experts was given at the 25th Executive Committee meeting held here Monday with PARB Chief Executive Dr Mubarik Ali in the chair. The meeting was attended by Professor Dr Talat Naseer Pasha, Dean Faculty of Life Sciences, Director General Agriculture (Ext & AR), representative of finance department and members of PARB.
The constituted panel for TWGs will critically evaluate the projects and commend it for further processing to Executive committee and to the Board for its final approval. The projects which were approved for TWGs include "Production of Recombinant Vaccine for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)", "Local production and testing of gonadortropin from cell culture of buffalo adenohypophysis" and development and comparison of Innocuity and potentiating effect of three oil adjutants on Pasteurella multocida in buffalo/cattle.
Following these two projects will be combined into one; Development of Indigenous Milk Replacer for Buffalo Calves" and "Development of Milk Replacer using Indigenous resources and its effect on the performance of buffalo and cattle calves."
Development of vaccine for the control; of calf diarrhoea" "reparation and field evaluation of cell culture adapted thermostable V4 Newcastle disease vaccine"; "Development of meat type Japanese Quail with higher body weight (Coturnix Japonica) acclimatised to indigenous management conditions through 6 generation of selective breeding programme"; "The establishment of pregnancies with in vitro produced frozen and unfrozen Sahiwal cow and Nili-Ravi Buffalo Embroys"; "Enhancing life time productivity of Buffalo through improved feeding and management at different physiological stages"; "Development of egg type chicken lines for backyard poultry"; "Enhancement of cost effective mutton production through genetically enhanced prolificacy management"; "Validation of some indigenous plants/natural products for the control and treatment of coccidiosis in Poultry"; "Marketing of livestock and its products (milk and meat) in Punjab"; "Documenting and mitigating impact of pesticides and heavy metal residues on indigenous livestock production health.
Following these two projects will be combined into one: "Utilisation of dried distillery yeast sludge in poultry" and "Prebiotic and probiotics: Alternative cost effective approach to replace antibiotic growth promoters to enhance production performance of poultry.
D G Agriculture (Ext & AR) Dr Anjum Ali and Professor Dr Talat Naseer Pasha highly appreciated the value of proposed projects by saying that "the projects seem to be very challenging job for the scientists and target oriented achievement can reform L&DD economy to a great extent".

Copyright Business Recorder, 2010


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