Two men accused of assassination of Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer have been exonerated by the Anti Terrorist Court (ATC) after the investigation team presented a report on Tuesday. Raja Ikhlaq Hussain, Judge of ATC-II resumed the hearing of the assassination case of Taseer and asked the police for bail applications of two accused Qari Hanif and Imtiaz Hussain Shah.
The investigation officer informed the court that the two accused were not needed to be grilled anymore in the murder case of Taseer. He said that after recording their statements no solid evidence was obtained which shows their involvement in this murder plot.
The investigation officer also informed the learnt judge that the special prosecutor wanted to appear before the court, but due to life threats he was not coming in the court proceedings. The learnt judge exonerated the two accused and disposed off their cases.
The prosecution has failed in presenting the charge sheet against the main accused and self-confessed killer of Punjab Governor Taseer before the ATC. The prosecution was due to level the formal charges against Mumtaz Qadri, but due to procedural glitch the matter has been postponed. The court adjourned hearing of Taseer murder case till February 4.
Meanwhile, hundreds of supporters of a self-confessed killer of the governor gathered outside the high security prison, Central Jail Adiala in Rawalpindi, when he was presented before the Court for hearing. Mumtaz Qadri is facing the charges of January 4 murder of Punjab Governor Taseer whom he gunned down in Kohsar Market of F-6/3 of Islamabad's high security Red Zone.
Qadri, a commando of Elite Force was performing his duty as security guard of Taseer, has confessed to killing Taseer because of his criticism of Pakistani laws that mandate the death sentence for insulting Islam. The supporters chanted slogan in favour of release of Mumtaz Qadri 'release Mumtaz Qadri' and 'long live Qadri' as judges arrived for the hearing before an anti-terror court inside the prison.
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