An alleged dacoit was killed while four others arrested in separate police encounters at different part of metropolis on Tuesday. According to police, first encounter took place at Malir Cant area where the two-armed men snatched valuables from Multan Khan and his family.
On the information of Multan Khan, the Crime Investigation Department of Sindh police intercepted the bandits but they started firing on police party. On the retaliation, CID police arrested both bandits namely Asghar Chandio and Zulfiqar Rind and recovered TT pistol and other valuables from their possessions. They said Asghar Chandio, who received bullet injuries during encounter, was admitted in Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) in a critical condition. No case was registered till filing the report.
In another encounter incident, police conducted a raid at Mumtaz Hussain Road on a tip-off, which revealed that three robbers were trying to flee after plundering electric wires at Saddar Area. On the information, police intercepted a corolla car (ATT-125) but the bandits opened straight-fire on them.
On Police retaliation, one of the bandits was killed while others namely Abdullah and Sajid Khan were arrested. Police said the victim, who was identified as Zahir Khan, was a resident of Sikanderabad Kemari. He was released from jail just 20 days ago, they said and added that Police had recovered electric wires and two TT pistols from their possessions.
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