Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry on Wednesday said that legal fraternity has the capability to bring changes in society as it proved itself during the lawyers' movement for restoration of judiciary. He stated this while addressing lawyers during an oath taking ceremony of Rawalpindi Division Bar. The Chief Justice administered oath to the newly-elected Cabinet members of the bar.
"History proved that during March 2009 and November 2007 lawyers left no stone unturned in getting the mission completed and achieving their cherished goals," the CJP maintained. He said the legal fraternity believes in democracy and supremacy of Constitution and the rule of law and they should stick to their principles to let the society realise that they are the upholders of the rule of law and believe in impartial judiciary.
Justice Chaudhry said that lawyers are well-mannered and well-educated people and their commitment and devotion for supremacy of Constitution, rule of law and independence of judiciary brought good name to the country. He said that it is a great honour for lawyers the way they struggled for democracy as it was also acknowledged by Raza Rabbani, Chairman Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Reforms (PCCR).
He said that 14-member bench of the Supreme Court had also upheld that no judge will take oath under the PCO or uphold any other extra-constitutional step which is violative of Constitution. He said that by declining to take oath under the PCO by superior court judges, their esteem has been enhanced in the eyes of the world. He called upon lawyers to work hard and try to assist the court.
Talking about National Judicial Policy, he said it was implemented with a view to providing easy access to justice. It was the result of the collective efforts so as to diminish the backlog....the shortcomings and discrepancies arising are being rectified from time to time, he added. Earlier, Zulfiqar Abbas Naqvi, President High Court Bar, Rawalpindi Bench spoke at length on measures taken by the Bar for the welfare of lawyers. He praised Justice Chaudhry's steadfastness, devotion, commitment, determination and efforts for the cause of justice and assured him of full support and co-operation in dispensation of justice.
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