Federal Minister for Law and Justice Babar Awan Sunday said that the PML-N was using state institutions as shield for its politics and was encouraging judicial martial law in the country. Enraged by Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan's comments about President Asif Ali Zardari and his party's possible alliance with the PML-Q Law Minister hardly wasted a moment to respond with equally heavy accusations.
The Law Minsiter did not name any institution being used as shield by the PML-N; his reference was for sure the Supreme Court. It is the same party which attacked on Supreme Court once, he added.
"The mastermind of this political game is the leader of the opposition Nisar Ali Khan," Babar added. Awan used the term 'witch crafting' for Chaudhry Nisar and said his politics might land PML-N Chief Nawaz Sharif in Jeddah again-a Saudi city where he spent his seven years in exile after being overthrown by former military ruler Pervez Musharraf back in 1999.
He lashed at Nisar Ali Khan for his comments on Sindhi Ajrak and by terming them a disgrace to culture, which he said, tantamount to damage the unity of federation. The PPP believed in strong federation and it would not allow anyone to trample the rights of the small provinces, he added. "PPP is a political party of federation and it would not leave its political role in Punjab," Awan said while referring to PPP role in Punjab.
Calling Chaudhry Nisar as the former Parliamentary Secretary of a military dictator, Babar Awan questioned as to why he did not file petitions when Sharif family was facing tough resistance from military generals and when Shahbaz Sharif was sent back to Jeddah from Allama Iqbal International Airport despite the ruling of apex court.
Responding to Chaudhry Nisar's revelation that he had not received the letter from Presidency regarding consultation for appointment of NAB chairman, he said that the letter would soon be delivered to him.
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