Local traders and Shabab-i-Milli on Wednesday evening staged two demonstrations in Multan city against the release of US spy Raymond Davis. A demo was staged in front of Wali Muhammad Mosque in the heart of city under the leadership of Chairman of Small Traders Alliance Khalid Mehmood Qureshi and Syed Jafar Hussain Shah. They shouted slogans against the Punjab and federal Government," America ka jo yaar hai Ghaddar hai Ghaddar hai," Down with Zardari, Down with Rana Sanaullah.
Shabab-e- Milli activists staged a demonstration in front of Multan Press Club tonight to express their anger and to condemn the release of Raymond Davis describing it unjust and unfair. They also shouted slogans against the United States. More than 150 activists of Shabab-i-Milli took part.
Former Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, while commenting on Raymond's release, said that his release took place after forgiveness by the families. Qureshi said, government should inform the people "how the both parties reached an agreement"
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