The Lahore High Court (LHC) here on Wednesday directed National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to receive the claim of Rs 60.45 million against Syed Sibt-ul Hassan Gillani alias Double Shah and file a supplementary reference against him. Chief Justice Ijaz Ahmad Chaudhry passed this order in a petition filed by Ahsan Allah Ranjha who had worked as an agent of Double Shah.
The petitioner contended that he had given Rs 60.45 million to Double Shah for business but he had not returned the said amount. He said after Shah's arrest he approached NAB to submit his claim but NAB denied. He pointed out that in 2009 LHC had ordered NAB authorities to entertain his claim but the order was not implemented. A NAB representative told the court that the petitioner never approached bureau. The petitioner said he resides abroad and intimated NAB several time to record his statement through his attorney and entertain his claim but no action was taken.
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