Punjab Agricultural Research Board (PARB) has extended travel grants to 100 scientists during last two years to attend international conferences/seminars and workshops abroad, providing them an opportunity to present their research paper, build strong collaborations and strengthen research to introduce innovation.
In the past, very few scientists were provided funds to participate in international conferences/seminars and workshops. The PARB has taken a leading step in this regard; as a result approximately 100 scientists went abroad in just two years. They represent Pakistan, presented their research papers and build strong linkages with international organisations, said a spokesperson of the Board here on Wednesday.
The Board recently funded Dr Aqeel Javeed Assistant professor University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) Lahore, Dr Muti-ur-Rehman Assistant Professor UVAS and Dr Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq Assistant Professor UVAS to attend "2nd International Congress of Food Hygiene" in Iran. PARB paid Rs 19.293 million each to attend this event.
In their views submitted to the PARB on return from abroad, Dr Mati-ur-Rehman said that "Pakistan lacked highly in quality research. The congress, he attended, has identified new areas of research which will be utilised to conduct the thesis work of post-graduate students", he added. Dr Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq commented that "Pakistani universities have not appropriate facilities for R & D and should establish international collaborations on urgent basis". He also suggested that pilot testing should be done before any study in order to validate the study design, statistical analysis and techniques.
He appreciated PARB efforts for facilitating scientists and requested the same for students to attend training programmes in the field of research. Dr Noor Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, UVAS Lahore attended international conference on "World Aquaculture for Changing World" in Brazil with PARB funding. The conference focused on economics, sustainability, engineering, reproduction, health, nutrition, genetics and microlage. Aquaculture is the fastest growing food industry world-wide. Dr Noor Khan said that we should manage our culture system environment friendly and sustainable to cater the world increasing population. Aquaculture is more close to agriculture than any other farming practices and integration with agriculture is very important for future sustainability.
He further briefed that we should replace our traditional research into new lines with latest techniques to bring new species into our system. While talking about Pakistani students he said "Like other countries, our post graduate students should be given a chance to present their research in such conferences". Informing about his future plan Dr Noor said that he wants to organise a Pakistan Fisheries and Aquaculture Society and affiliate it with World Aquaculture Society (WAS) for organising conferences, workshops, seminars on fisheries and aquaculture for further enhancement of this sector in Pakistan.-PR
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