Ministry of Narcotics Control under Anti-Narcotics Policy has devised a strategy to make Pakistan a drug-free area by creating awareness among all segments of the society to "say no to drugs". The Ministry held massive awareness campaign to educate young people particularly students of educational institutions about drug abuse to ensure Drug-Free Homes, schools, colleges and work places, sources in the Ministry revealed to Business Recorder on Thursday.
Ministry is responsible for making co-ordinated efforts to implement Narcotics Policy, but it is collective responsibility of other institutions and society to strive to obtain the drug-free status, they said. They said that seminars, lectures, workshops, talk-shows and other programmes would be arranged to educate people about hazardous impacts of drug use. In collaboration with different universities, colleges and schools awareness campaign has already been kicked off for drug demand reduction in educational institutions, they said.
They said that the management of educational institutions has shown its readiness to implement the drug-control plan in their respective institutes to save the youths from the menace of drug addiction. Main objective of the campaign is to control the use of drugs including smoking and other contraband inside the educational institutions, they revealed. The most important and effective segment of the society, the mosque and religious scholars would be involved to educate people from the platform of mosques, they said, adding that the community coalitions and anti-drug programmes operating in collaboration with NGOs will be encouraged and supported to attain the desired goals. They said that Ministry of Narcotics Control will seek help from Ministry of Religious Affairs to develop special courses on drug-abuse prevention for students and teachers of madrasas.
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