On Thursday, BRIndex30 opened at 8,401.81 points. It touched an intraday high of 8,458.97 points and an intraday low of 8,277.90 points and closed at 8,338.46 points, which was -63.35 points or -0.75 percent lower than previous close. Total volume was 37,061,011, which was 76.29 percent of KSE All share volume and 87.83 percent of KSE 100 volume. The KSE All Share volume was 48,579,565 and KSE 100 volume was 42,198,413 shares.
BR Commercial Banks Index closed at 2,423.94 points with a net negative change of -0.55 points or a percentage change of -0.02 and a total turnover of 9,103,669 shares. BR Power Generation and Distribution Index closed at 1,685.65 points with a net positive change of 0.56 points or a percentage change of 0.03 and a total turnover of 4,107,475 shares.
BR Oil and Gas Index closed at 2,569.06 points with a net negative change of -8.28 points or a percentage change of -0.32 and a total turnover of 3,985,942 shares. BR Cement Index closed at 570.89 points with a net positive change of 7.82 points or a percentage change of 1.39 and a total turnover of 3,405,622 shares. BR Tech. & Comm. Index closed at 323.08 points with a net negative change of -5.88 points or a percentage change of -1.79 and a total turnover of 3,024,851 shares.
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