Thirteen persons of two different families were gunned down in two separate incidents here on Tuesday. The first incident occurred at Garhi Khan Baba in the limit of Khazana police station on Charsadda Road, in which Abdul Ghaffar along with his accomplices allegedly entered the house of his father father-in-law, Saddique Khan, and sprayed volley of bullets on those present there.
As a result, eight people of the family were killed on the spot. The victims included Sadique, Rafiullah, Irfan, Nadia, Bakht Gulona, Zaibullah Khan, Maryum and Habiba, killed on the spot. The reason behind the gory incident was stated to be family dispute. In another incident, Amjad Hussein son of Ghulam Mohammad allegedly started firing on his family, reportedly over a family dispute, killing his wife Sumeera, sons Ghufran and Fahid and daughter Palwasha. Later, he also committed suicide by shooting himself. Police rushed to the spot and sent the bodies, lying in a pool of blood, to hospital, and registered cases.
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