In the wake of the protest movement launched in India by Anna Hazare against the anti-corruption bill passed by the Lok Sabha many a civil activists in Pakistan is considering a similar movement. Anna Hazare taken into custody on the eve of the day he pledged to go on hunger strike is being kept in an undisclosed location. The Indian government has also arrested over 1300 of his supporters and is at present denying accusations that it is stifling democracy.
Chidambaram, the Home Minister maintains that the detentions were because protesters had not obeyed police conditions for the demonstration. In Pakistan, the members of civil society and intellectuals also want to launch a mass movement against corruption. They said that for this purpose, the people have to sacrifice and come out and join hands to start movement to free Pakistan from corruption.
Civil Society activist Farzana Bari said while talking to Business Recorder that there is also need of a similar movement in Pakistan such as in India against the corruption. She said that corruption has engulfed the state organs at the highest level. She said that Supreme Court gave many decisions on the corruption cases, including NRO, NICL, Hajj and others but the government is not implementing them. She said that the people belonging to all schools of thought have to come out and raise their voice against corruption.
Answering to a question She said, "the honest people in all professions including politics, civil society, media and lawyers community should unite, cooperate with each other and establish a network to launch mass movement against corruption in Pakistan. She said that in this regard, small parties of all the provinces especially Balochistan, which are out of Parliament must join hands and launch such a movement in the country.
Another civil society activist, Miss Thaira Abdulla said that corruption has been rampant in high quarters of the government. She said that there is need of ruthless actions to make Pakistan free of corruption. She claimed that the sons of Prime Minister and Chaudhry Pervez Elahi are involved in corruption. The Supreme Court gives judgements on the corruption cases but the government did not implement the decisions.
Answering to a question, she said that all the people should gather and launch movement for corruption-free Pakistan. Jamaat-e-Islam (JI) accused all major political parties including PPP, PML-N, MQM, ANP and PML-Q of involvement in corruption. JI Amir Munawar Hassan, while talking to Business Recorder, stated that there are laws in the country designed to combat corruption but maintained, "our federal and provincial governments do not want to implement these laws in letter and in sprit."
He said that the people have to come out and to start a massive movement against corruption in the country. He said that in this regard, all intellectuals and civil society have to move forward. He said, "Federal Government is not implementing the Supreme Court's decisions relating to corruption. Federal government did not implement the Apex Court's decision on National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO)."
He urged the people to vote on performance in the next general elections. "The people must change their voting habits and not vote on the Baradari system," he added. He said that three and half years have passed but the National Assembly Standing Committee on Law and Justice is still discussing an accountability bill.
We also observed that world media attention is focused on India with Anna Hazare, a social activist and Toga guru Baba Ramdev, who are on indefinite hunger strike for a corruption free India. International media attention has been focused on two personalities Anna Hazare and Ramdev who took bold step against corruption in their country. Anna Hazare and Ramdeve are demanding of the Indian government to bring back black money almost $1500 billion from Swiss banks.
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