The Indian rupee ended weaker on Wednesday as positive local shares were offset by dollar demand from domestic oil refiners and a choppy euro after French and German leaders' plans for closer eurozone integration failed to improve shaky investor sentiment.
The partially convertible rupee ended at 45.4050/4150 per dollar, after weakening to as low as 45.4625 during trade. It had ended at 45.38/39 on Tuesday. The three-month was at 31.75 points from 38.50 points and the one-year onshore forward premium was at 143.25 points from 153.75.
One-month offshore non-deliverable forward contracts were quoted at 45.51, weaker than the onshore spot rate. In the currency futures market, the most traded near-month dollar-rupee contracts on the National Stock Exchange were at 45.4075, while on the MCX-SX and the United Stock Exchange were both at 45.4100. The total volume was at $10.72 billion.
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